Meet the Coaches
Learn more about the coaches and their diverse backgrounds, expertise, and passion for guiding individuals through the intricacies of E-Colors coaching
Dr. Don Martin is the Executive Director of Intermediate Unit 1 and has held this position for the past five years. Prior to this, Dr. Martin served as the Assistant Executive Director of IU1 for nearly 10 years. On the E-Colors scale, he is a Yellow/Red…or a Social Doer.
Those that work closely with Dr. Martin can attest that he is a “big idea” person and likes to surround himself with people with diverse personalities. He enjoys talking and socializing with others. He is a firm believer that “everybody has a story” and the E-Colors initiative helps to bring these important stories to the surface.
Dr. Donald Martin
Dr. Kristin Szewczyk is the Assistant Executive Director of Intermediate Unit 1 (IU1). During her tenure at IU1, she has held a variety of administrative roles, such as Principal at the IU1 Educational Campus in Waynesburg and Supervisor of Special Education. Dr. Szewczyk is a Green/Yellow, known as a Socializing Thinker.
Dr. Szewczyk is a people-oriented and creative thinker. She thrives on collaboration, working closely with others to achieve innovative results and meet organizational goals. Dr. Szewczyk firmly believes in the power of E-Colors to enhance self-awareness and team dynamics, fostering better understanding among team members, and promoting more efficient teamwork.
Dr. Kristin Szewczyk
Mrs. Jenny Lent currently serves as the Assistant to the Executive Director for Educational Programs at Intermediate Unit 1. Throughout her educational career, Jenny has held a variety of positions, including teacher, librarian, and curriculum specialist. She has also assumed supervisory roles, overseeing technology, curriculum development, and online learning initiatives. Jenny is a Green/Blue, known as a Relating Thinker.
Mrs. Lent is a methodical and logical thinker who values emotional connection and empathy. She thrives on creating and executing plans to support and propel the organization and its employees forward. Jenny is a firm believer in the importance of self-awareness, particularly through the lens of E-colors, to navigate interactions effectively.
Jenny Lent
Alyssa Moore serves as a Curriculum Specialist for Intermediate Unit 1 who is passionate about fostering student engagement and advancing teacher professional learning in the areas of STEM. Alyssa Moore's E-Colors PDI identified that she is a Socializing Relater, a Blue/ Yellow. This means that she is dependable, empathetic, and enjoys socializing with others.
Alyssa champions the notion that the E-Colors initiative offers an avenue for individuals and groups to deepen their comprehension of the specific strengths and potential limiters of those within their team. In her view, this initiative can support the nurturing of harmonious dynamics within an organization to foster a culture of enhanced communication and collaboration.
Alyssa Moore
Ron Gallagher is the Intermediate Unit 1 Curriculum Supervisor. Ron earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Waynesburg University in Math and Secondary Education and earned a Master’s Degree from PennWest University in Educational Leadership. Ron has worked at Intermediate Unit 1 for three years and worked extensively with surrounding districts in ATSI, curriculum, data, and mathematics. Prior to coming to IU1, Ron served as a Middle School principal at Carmichaels Area School District. Ron's Ecolors are Yellow/Green, or a thinking socializer. Ron believes this benefits him as he is able to boost efficient communication in the workplace by using his yellow to effectively convey abstract ideas while using his green to do so systematically and logically.
Ronald Gallagher
Jordan Lozosky currently serves as a Curriculum Specialist for Intermediate Unit 1. Jordan’s E-Colors PDI identified him as Yellow/Blue or the “Relating Socializer.” This means he is dependable, likes to help others, is optimistic, and enthusiastic. Jordan has been with Intermediate Unit 1 for 15 years and worked extensively with gifted education, distance learning, instructional coaching and mentoring, and curriculum before becoming a Curriculum Specialist, with a focus in Social Studies, in 2022. Prior to coming to IU1, Jordan served as a high school social studies teacher and instructional technology coach.
Jordan Lozosky